Coke Florida Contributes to UCF Fundraiser Benefitting Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital

Coke Florida presents $25,000 donation to UCF for Orlando Health 2024 Knight-Thon event.
Coca-Cola Beverages Florida, LLC (Coke Florida) proudly served as Presenting Sponsor of The University of Central Florida’s 2024 Knight-Thon dance marathon and fundraiser. Knight-Thon is a partnership with Orlando Health supporting pediatric care at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, part of the Children’s Miracle Network.
This year, Coke Florida donated $25,000 to Knight-Thon, which culminated UCF’s year-long campaign. The event raised an outstanding $679,033.28 with 100 percent of funds benefitting the hospital. The Coke Florida team presented the donated during the event on April 6 held at Addition Financial Arena on the university’s campus. Knight-Thon is a student-led effort welcoming students, guests, and families who have found support and life-changing medical services through Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children.
One of those families is that of JP. Just before his second birthday, JP underwent testing and was diagnosed with Potocki-Lupski Syndrome (PTLS), a rare genetic condition that caused many of the complications JP experienced, including developmental delays, feeding and speech difficulties, and low muscle tone.
Throughout his childhood, JP received various therapies and care from many specialists at Orlando Health. Thanks to the early intervention JP received and the continued care from his team of specialists, JP can walk, run and dance with his seven siblings and continues to surpass all expectations.
Coke Florida’s continuous commitment to our community is the driving force behind all that we do. Ensuring key partners and our Coke Florida Family receive the funding they require to thrive and create lasting change is one of our key missions.